Have you ever had a desire so big you were afraid to say it out loud? It typically takes my clients a while before they are willing to admit it out loud to me, but when they do we celebrate because admitting your desires it is the first step!
Growing up I wanted to be many things, and I remember being afraid to say them out loud. Because when you say something big it often scares other people. When other people feel intimidated they start to tell you all the reasons why you cannot accomplish your desire. It is a discouraging feeling when you are excited about something but people around you tell you, you can’t accomplish something. When you do it enough times it can really make you feel silly, so you stop sharing all together and you tuck your dreams away somewhere safe.
Safe will not get you to your desires. Your desires live outside your comfort zone (at least the big ones do!) So it is time to finally admit to yourself if you could do anything in the whole world and not fail what would you do? Who would you be? Don’t let fear stop you from going after your desires. You can actually use fear as fuel to motivate yourself to go after your desires. Fear can be a sign that you are growing. That you are working towards something you have never done before.
When it comes to fear ask yourself these questions to see what is blocking you from going after your desires. What is stopping me from achieving my dreams? Write down everything that you can come up with. How can you start to move through these fears?
When going after your desires start small. Figure out how to break it down into manageable steps. Once you finally can admit your big desire what is the first step you could make to get closer to achieving it? Sometimes this could be doing some research online, or ask your friends if they know someone who has achieved that specific desire.
Life deserves to be lived to your fullest. You deserve to have your desires come true. Don’t let fear stop you from achieving your dreams.
Ellie Curry