Stop Apologizing For Being Yourself: My Journey to Authenticity and Confidence

Episode 2 of Own Your Confidence Podcast: Stop Apologizing For Being Yourself
As a coach and someone who has struggled with low self-esteem and confidence issues, I know firsthand the importance of being your authentic self. It's something that takes time, effort, and courage to achieve, but it's worth it in the end. In this blog post, I'll share my journey to authenticity and provide tips on how you can start building your confidence today.
Finding my Authentic Self
At the age of 13, I experienced bullying from classmates who made me feel like there was something inherently wrong with me. I began to believe that their opinions were true, and I lost sight of who I truly was. It took me years to realize that my confidence was crushed because I was trying to fit into someone else's mold.
To regain my confidence, I had to learn how to have my own back and stop judging and beating myself up. I had to start showing up for myself and being kind to myself. I began to look at myself through a different lens and asked myself what the truth about me was. This was the beginning of my confidence journey, and it wasn't an easy one.
Putting in Courage and Understanding Life Situations
Breaking the habit of being yourself takes a lot of courage. It's uncomfortable to push yourself out of your comfort zone and embrace authenticity, but it's necessary. You don't have to rush and try to fix yourself; this is something that you need to practice every single day.
It's essential to understand that certain situations in life can help you practice being authentic. For me, going on vacation is when I feel most like myself. I dress the way I want and take the best care of myself without trying to fit into any societal roles. Upgrading your style can also help you become your authentic self in terms of where you feel most comfortable.
Deciding Who Your Authentic Self Is
To decide who your authentic self is, you need to follow your dreams. It's who you are when you're lit up, excited, relaxed, or most at peace with yourself. You can also look at jealousy as an indication of your authentic self. When you're jealous of someone, it could be because they're showing you a desire you didn't know you wanted for yourself. They're showing you pieces of your authentic self that you haven't uncovered yet.
Practising and Taking Small Steps
To show up for yourself, you need to take small steps towards your destination, even if it doesn't make sense to others or yourself at the time. You can start in an area of your life that sounds like the most fun or is the most exciting. For me, fashion and style have always been a source of joy, so I started there.
Embracing the Journey
The journey to authenticity and confidence isn't easy. For me, it involved processing big emotions and facing my fears. It's okay to struggle and come up against resistance or struggle to take action. When you finally do start to feel confident, it may feel uncomfortable at first. It's essential to give yourself permission to be happy and feel confident because the journey is worth it.
Final Thoughts
Being your authentic self is the foundation of building confidence and dealing with low self-esteem. It takes time and effort, but it's worth it in the end. Remember that you don't have to rush and try to fix yourself; it's something that you need to practice every day. If you're ready to transform your life and build your confidence, I would love to chat with you about my confidence coaching package. Sign up today for a free discovery call to see if coaching is the right fit for you.
Sending You Love,
Ellie Curry