Self care was an area of my life that was lacking for many years, and if I am honest, it is still something I am working on. I decided this year to make my word of the year nourishment. I think having a self care routine is important, and can really enhance your life. To create a routine, let’s look at the different areas that make up self care.
The first area of self care involves your mind. Taking care of our mental space is extremely important for all aspects of your life. This area of self care can include learning new things, challenging negative mindsets, personal growth, meditating, or challenging your mind with games like sudoku or crossword puzzles.
This area of self care involves everything that has to do with your physical being. The most obvious thing most people think of is fitness and eating habits, but this can also include managing stress, brushing your teeth, washing your face, and taking a bath.
This self care area is tied to your soul. When you are participating in spiritual self care you may be praying, volunteering your time, practicing how to humble yourself, connecting with the meaning of life. My favorite way to practice spiritual self care is to listen to worship music. I feel connected with God’s love and feel His presence when I do.
Social self care is making sure you are reaching out and creating connections with others. It is important to have people in your life who you feel safe being vulnerable with. When you have a safe place to share your emotions you can feel heard and valued. Also, social self care is important because you can connect with others to have fun! Fun brings joy into your life and having people to share that with is amazing.
Emotional self care is bringing awareness to your emotions. It is also important to become aware of what your emotional triggers are. Ways to express your emotional self care can include journaling, awareness exercises, and practicing kindness to yourself and others.
Long Term Self Care
Long term self care is doing something for yourself today even when you don’t feel like it so you can gain something in the future. A great example of long term self care is paying attention to impulse actions or urges. Saving money for your future is an example of long term self care.
Now that you know the different areas of self care is there a specific area you need to pay more attention to? What is one action step you can take today to treat yourself with some extra care?
Ellie Curry