Have you ever felt stuck in a rut? Nothing new is happening and you are feeling the blahs. There have been times in my life when I have been stuck. I want to get out there and switch things up, but staying inside and watching TV was so much more comfortable (comfort zone). I remember sitting in my apartment on Friday and Saturday nights wishing I had a group of friends to go out with. It never dawned on me that I could pick up my phone and make things happen, I needed to change my mindset to get me out of my rut. Check out these tips for how to stop feeling stuck in life.
Victim Mindset
One of the reasons I stayed in my rut for so long is because I had a victim mindset. A victim mindset is when you give your power away to a person, thing, or experience and you feel like you have no control over the situation. I was so stuck in the mindset that I didn’t have friends, that I would feel bad for myself and stay in. Often times when we have certain thoughts we shape our realities to make those thoughts true.
Changing Your Thoughts
So how to change your thoughts? When you think about being stuck in a rut or wanting to get out of your rut are there any dominant thoughts that come up? In my case it was I didn’t have friends, for many people it can include I don’t have the time, or I am too overwhelmed. These are stories you are telling yourself to stay in your comfort zone. In the future when this thought comes to your mind instead of accepting it, say out loud or in your head “these thoughts no longer support me.” This has been a game changer for me. Over time the more you combat your victim or negative thoughts the more you will be willing to change.
Taking Action
Now that you are working on your mental space, it is time to take action. When starting to get out of a rut start with simple changes to your day. If you always take the same route to work switch it up and take a different one. If you always go to the same restaurant or Starbucks on the weekend try a different location or a new coffee shop altogether. Start to do your life differently then you have in the past.
It is important while you are taking action that you come from a place of curiosity instead of judgment. Often times when we are trying to get out of a rut we try to beat ourselves up in order to try to change, but that will not work! This will only make you feel more like a victim!
Try Something New
Once you are becoming familiar with trying small new things it is now time to try something completely new. Pick something that you have been wanting to do for a while and know you can accomplish on your own. Start challenging yourself to make this apart of your week.
Ellie Curry